28 August 2007

Hear ye

In lieu of a real post, I direct you to http://www.japundit.com/ Good stuff.


midi said...

"11-13 points
you often look down on your self.

You feel bad about your personality. In another word, you only see your short comings and ignore your advantages...If you mus expose your inner self in front of others, you find that very hard to do, and you would hate your self...

ummmm... interesting... Am I so pessimistic about myself? ^_^

Lance said...

Midi, you must be referring to the Hello Kitty Psychoanalysis webpage. I got 14-16 pts, which of course means "you have bad fashion--learn from someone who has good fashion sense." ... (BTW, the English on that test was somewhat poor!)

For the record, I didn't realize the variety of content on japundit when I linked up. I had seen mainly this movie and this photo about there being more dogs than babies.

Lance said...

OK, had to share this one, too: the butt-biting bug. .. yeah. Left me .. well, speechless.

Lance said...

PS Definitely play the butt-biting youtube movie too.

CharonAcheron said...

Uhm, WOW.
The Butt-Biting Bug. I think this nearly outdoes Planet Unicorn (heeeyyyy!).
Yup, speechless.
Is there a Butt-Spanking Bug?

Lance said...

I just searched www.YouTube.com for "Planet Unicorn" ... um... yeah. Recommended.