30 August 2007

Hello Jaws Of Life

The blank look and huge scissors is a... calming effect??

And now for a Japan version review, were we sample brands made a little different to suit the unique taste of Japanese customers.

Max Air. ? It's not a product listed at MountainDew.com (ie, Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew caffeine-free, Diet Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Code Red, Mountain Dew LiveWire, Mountain Dew Baja Blast, AMP, Mountain Dew MDX, or Dew Iced [apparently a flavor at Cold Stone--eww! bleh!]).

So.. how's it taste?

Tastes like a less sugar, slightly bubblier version of Mt. Dew. Less syrupy, and less overall Dew-taste. Still smells like Dew, but a definite step towards 7-up. I like it.


Anonymous said...

It looks the same. TMM

Lance said...

The Max Air part is what got me. (Also, if you zoom in, you'll see various Japanese characters)

PS Tara, in the US is "Coke Zero" in a black bottle? You might find some different flavored stuff when you come over here.

Anonymous said...

I think it is in a black bottle here; I haven't tried it. I'm excited to see what you have there. TMM