30 January 2006

Guest House Notices

Getting more feedback on old food than astounding KitKat facts.. Could it be payback for a not-PC-enough race joke? Hmm.. Well, munch on this:

Considering the blokes that live in this guest house, this one could be intentional

I like the quip about using too much electricity, too.. Ah, the good old guest house days.

24 January 2006

Fortuitous chocolate

(And no, I'm not talking about a lucky New Orleans resident of color.)

Time for the big college entrance tests in Japan! You know what that means: time to put up cherry blossom decorations!

Station entry

The brick walkway to the station near work has been covered with a big pink sticker with patterns on it. ..well, actually, the whole station is covered in the stuff. Hmm, seems to be some words on the ceiling. What could it be?

Kit-to Kat-to: sakura Goodo Rucku!

A commercial! And a school girl. And sakura blossoms. Hey, wait a minute.. what's the connection?

Luckily for the folks who make KitKat (which, interestingly, depends on the country you're in), the name KitKat sounds a lot like Kitto Katto, which roughly translates to "Possibly Victorious!" It's good luck food to eat before a test, and it sells big time, right before these big tests. The other good luck snack is Pocky, for reasons I've yet to discover.

.. It's possible that the remodeling of the convenience store "Lawson" inside the station might also be a reason for all the decorations.. like possibly a "Sorry the store's unavailable and stuff, but at least there's cool decorations for you to look at. (Kindly disregard that we get money from Nestle.)"

As for why sakura?.. What's your guess? Maybe it helps forget about the low temperatures? ..Instilling hopes for spring into the stressed little overly-full-with-memorization Japanese schoolgirl and schoolboy brains? Honestly, I wanna hear what you think.


18 January 2006

Food Quiz

Hey kids, it's quiz time. What did I eat?

What might this be?

I think my Japanese viewers have the advantage--feel free to type your comments in Japanese! これは魚ですね。

11 January 2006

Happy Chicken!

New Year's Greetings to you all.. with a bit of photo backlog..

Ho Ho Chicken

White old guy, with a beard. Must be Santa

Today I went jogging, and now I've succeeded in posting some of the backlog.. E-gads, am I fulfilling all of my New Year's resolutions on the same day?!? It remains to be seen: can I avoid red meat and/or french fries..