06 December 2005

..reverse culture shock

Everything's so big here..
Big people, big suitcase, big ceiling, big bus

3 x bigger than my apt


Anonymous said...

Random thoughts . . . It appears you may have had a perfectly good desk and a comfy, if not ergonomic, desk chair in the far right corner. So inquiring minds need to know: What possessed you to stretch the laptop and cables halfway across the room from the desk, and to drag the ottoman the other halfway across the room from the big chair? Was it so that you could enjoy the view out the window while you worked? The curtain is barely open, though. Was it so you could watch TV while you typed? Alas, the TV appears to be turned off. Perhaps it was so you could keep a better eye on The Lone Hanger that appears to be making a break for it from your closet? Look at him up there, pressed up against the wall as if no one can see him. If you’d been sitting at the desk with your back turned, that splintery little bugger could’ve been out that window and climbing down a rope of bedsheets in a heartbeat. Way to keep your guard up, dude.

Anonymous said...

Bridget - here you go again making me laugh out loud. How long did you stare at that photo before drawing your conclusions? I am continually amazed. TMM

Anonymous said...

You know, perhaps this is the sole reason I was put on this good green – or in the case of Chicago right now, exceptionally white – Earth: So I could continually amaze Tara. It feels so good to finally have a purpose! But I’ll never tell how long I had to stare at the photo. Trust me, it would only make you think lesser of me.

Sidebar: I'm noticing I seem to type "perhaps" a lot, but I don't know that I've ever actually said the word aloud. I think my written vocabulary is much more expansive than my spoken one. Expansive - there's another one!

Lance said...

I moved the computer with internet wires over to the middle so I could see the TV. Also, I was 11 hours jet lagged, and doing stuff like moving the furniture in your hotel room makes sense in that alternate reality.