15 November 2005


Yes, non foaming shaving gel. Whether you need success in the dog eat dog of the Tokyo buisness world, or simply taking a nap in the park, this gel gives you the smell and tingly feeling of shaving cream, but without any bristle-raising foam action. Because you know you're only using this stuff because "you're suppoed to use something when you shave."

No foam?!? What gives?


Anonymous said...

Who needs foam?! Why should your whiskers stand up? They're only going to get cut off with a sharp razor! With SUCCESS non-foaming liquid, your whiskers can float in the blue goo and maybe escape! Give your whiskers a chance to live! You may be asked to play a shepherd in the Christmas pageant! Beekeroo

Anonymous said...

Now these are my kind of blog posts. The kind I can relate to.
What's even better than the name of it would be the commercial. Because there's no doubt in my mind that whoever is wearing it at the time gets the girl, gets the job, and has the car. Because that's what deodorant is supposed to do for you.
I hope it's working for you.....in a non-smell good way. TMM

Anonymous said...

DAMN...here I have been thinking all these years success came in pink!
Beware the blue goo for stocking stuffers.
Blue Goo as a deodorant> Tara, I think you may be on to something. Let us know how it works!

Anonymous said...

oh, my bad. All that time I was thinking it was deodorant! :) So, just replay my above comment and insert "shaving gel" where deodorant is. Amazingly it still works!