14 June 2007

The little train that could..

.. go underground.

Ahoy, and welcome to what promises to be a burst of blog activity. As you might notice, today I uploaded a bunch of pictures that I'd like to blog about. And today is the first one, about trains.

Today I waited about 25 minutes at a train track crossing for a (legal) chance to cross and go to work. I didn't have anything important to do, so I took it as a chance to watch how Japanese people handled the inconvenience.. ..which quickly turned into watching folks from the neighborhood duck under the warning barrier pole and scuttle across.. and I mean literally scuttling old men amidst the students, office ladies, and even a foreigner with a bike helmet--who wasn't me! Only about 30% waited longer than 5 minutes .. If I manage to catch this on camera, and I'll it post up later.

The train line's traffic has obviously exceeded the originally intended capacity. Apparently, the solution is to dig some tunnels and draw some cartoons.

From 20070614 blog...

What struck me was the sad/happy faces both as text art and on the trains. Otherwise the PSA seems serious.

"Serious" is a relative term.. and in Japan the above faces are not considered cute or for children--their purpose is to describe the problem quickly without technical details. I like the concept, but the faces still get to me. I guess I'm still not Japanese enough. ;)


Anonymous said...

Nice photo essay, Lance. I am enjoying them very, very much.
Your have an eye for detail. What's in the cylinders, or is that classified information?

Lance said...

cylinders? .. I think that's where the happy trains live.