Japan KittoKatsu vs. American [snack size] Kit Kat
As previously promised--a head to head comparison of England's most popular chocholate bar! Also compared here are the wrapping technlogy for each version. Japanese Kit Kat comes in a paper box, with two sets of two bars inside wrapped in plastic/foil. (It's the red+foil color in the photo--has Japanese on the front side.) In contrast, the American version is wrapped in paper foil. This small bar was a in a "Snack Pack" of 12, so 24 small bars total.
To be honest, I was expecting a bigger difference in taste between the Nestle (Japan + Europe) and Hershey's (US) versions. The taste was similar. The Nestle chocholate seemed more processed--harder, shinier. You can see the reflection of my flash is different on it. The US version seems softer, and has more chocholate smell. ..but both of them are delicious.
I should add, all this research has had an effect. That or my body's finally realized I'm 30. I have a ponch. I've started jogging to try and move my center of gravity. I'd be thrilled with a millimeter shift towards my back. Wow I'm a geek. But if humans start living in space we might actually talk about this stuff. :-/
PS. I've got lots of backed up photos to post! I'll try to go through them all, one every couple days.