16 October 2005

Feed the monkey

Tokyo is a gadget guy's paradise.. and purgatory at the same time. I'm starting to feel like a junkie. After extensive research and weighing my options, I headed to Bic Camera. (Akihabara is where the other junkies go, but I have discount points at Bic.)

MACRO test

The above photo is via my "extra black" Panasonic Lumix DMC FX9. Looking at it today, I wonder how much electricity has been spent in the world on exactly the same photograph.The portfolio on my phone's battery charger is rather complete: over exposed, macro mode, a romantic candle-light setting, self-portorait-with-charger.. I also took care of the prerequisite 50+ photos of my own leg, and the self-portrait right before bed. ..not realizing at the time that I had no shirt on. Luckily, the camera has an effective "multiple DELETE" mode.

I also bought a screen protector, and the cheapest camera bag thing they had, oh and a Nintendo DS game system with three games (one two 3 has no English version). Why not? I had the points! So what if the games are in Japanese and I can't read the manuals, or the instructions, or the screen? All I need now is a PSP, XBox 360, and a Segway..

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